Getting Started
Starting From Scratch
If you are starting your project from scratch, you can use one of the provided project templates:
With Existing Mods/Plugins
If you already have a project, that you want to integrate Simple Voice Chat into, follow the steps below.
To add the API dependency to your Fabric mod, add the following maven repository to your project.
repositories {
maven { url = '' }
In the dependencies
section add the following maven dependency. Make sure voicechat_api_version
is set to the voice chat API version you want to target. Available API versions can be found here.
dependencies {
implementation "de.maxhenkel.voicechat:voicechat-api:${voicechat_api_version}"
To avoid crashes due to outdated voice chat versions, make sure to add voicechat
to the depends
section in the fabric.mod.json
. This prevents your mod from loading if versions of the voice chat are installed, that are older than the API version you are targeting.
"schemaVersion": 1,
"depends": {
"voicechat": ">=${minecraft_version}-${voicechat_api_version}"
To register the voice chat plugin for a Fabric mod, you need to create a class that implements de.maxhenkel.voicechat.api.VoicechatPlugin
package com.example.yourmod;
import de.maxhenkel.voicechat.api.VoicechatPlugin;
public class TestPlugin implements VoicechatPlugin {
Additionally, you need to add a voicechat
entrypoint in your fabric.mod.json
, that refers to the class you just created.
"schemaVersion": 1,
"entrypoints": {
"main": [
"voicechat": [
To have Simple Voice Chat installed in your development environment, use the Modrinth Maven Repository. Alternatively use Cursemaven.
repositories {
maven {
name = "Modrinth"
url = ""
content {
includeGroup "maven.modrinth"
dependencies {
modRuntimeOnly "maven.modrinth:simple-voice-chat:fabric-${voicechat_version}"
To add the API dependency to your Forge mod, add the following maven repository to your project.
repositories {
maven { url = '' }
In the dependencies
section add the following maven dependency. Make sure voicechat_api_version
is set to the voice chat API version you want to target. Available API versions can be found here.
dependencies {
implementation "de.maxhenkel.voicechat:voicechat-api:${voicechat_api_version}"
To avoid crashes due to outdated voice chat versions, make sure to add voicechat
to the dependencies
section in the mods.toml
. This prevents your mod from loading if versions of the voice chat are installed, that are older than the API version you are targeting.
To register the voice chat plugin for a Forge mod, you need to create a class that implements de.maxhenkel.voicechat.api.VoicechatPlugin
and has the annotation de.maxhenkel.voicechat.api.ForgeVoicechatPlugin
package com.example.yourmod;
import de.maxhenkel.voicechat.api.ForgeVoicechatPlugin;
import de.maxhenkel.voicechat.api.VoicechatPlugin;
public class TestPlugin implements VoicechatPlugin {
To have Simple Voice Chat installed in your development environment, use the Modrinth Maven Repository. Alternatively use Cursemaven.
repositories {
maven {
name = "Modrinth"
url = ""
content {
includeGroup "maven.modrinth"
dependencies {
// For Neoforge
runtimeOnly "maven.modrinth:simple-voice-chat:neoforge-${voicechat_version}"
// For Forge
runtimeOnly fg.deobf("maven.modrinth:simple-voice-chat:forge-${voicechat_version}")
To add the API dependency to your Bukkit/Spigot/Paper plugin add the following maven repository to your project.
repositories {
maven { url = '' }
In the dependencies
section add the following maven dependency. Make sure voicechat_api_version
is set to the voice chat API version you want to target. Available API versions can be found here.
dependencies {
implementation "de.maxhenkel.voicechat:voicechat-api:${voicechat_api_version}"
To make your plugin depend on the voice chat plugin add the following to your plugin.yml
depend: [ voicechat ]
To register the voice chat plugin for a Bukkit/Spigot/Paper plugin, you need to create a class that implements de.maxhenkel.voicechat.api.VoicechatPlugin
package com.example.yourplugin;
import de.maxhenkel.voicechat.api.VoicechatPlugin;
public class TestPlugin implements VoicechatPlugin {
Additionally, you need to register it in the BukkitVoicechatService
package com.example.yourplugin;
import de.maxhenkel.voicechat.api.BukkitVoicechatService;
public final class MyPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
public void onEnable() {
BukkitVoicechatService service = getServer().getServicesManager().load(BukkitVoicechatService.class);
if (service != null) {
service.registerPlugin(new TestPlugin());
To add the API dependency to your Quilt mod, add the following maven repository to your project.
repositories {
maven { url = '' }
In the dependencies
section add the following maven dependency. Make sure voicechat_api_version
is set to the voice chat API version you want to target. Available API versions can be found here.
dependencies {
implementation "de.maxhenkel.voicechat:voicechat-api:${voicechat_api_version}"
To avoid crashes due to outdated voice chat versions, make sure to add voicechat
to the depends
section in the quilt.mod.json
. This prevents your mod from loading if versions of the voice chat are installed, that are older than the API version you are targeting.
"schemaVersion": 1,
"depends": {
"id": "voicechat",
"version": ">=${minecraft_version}-${voicechat_api_version}"
To register the voice chat plugin for a Quilt mod, you need to create a class that implements de.maxhenkel.voicechat.api.VoicechatPlugin
package com.example.yourmod;
import de.maxhenkel.voicechat.api.VoicechatPlugin;
public class TestPlugin implements VoicechatPlugin {
Additionally, you need to add a voicechat
entrypoint in your quilt.mod.json
, that refers to the class you just created.
"schemaVersion": 1,
"entrypoints": {
"init": [
"voicechat": [
To have Simple Voice Chat installed in your development environment, use the Modrinth Maven Repository. Alternatively use Cursemaven.
repositories {
maven {
name = "Modrinth"
url = ""
content {
includeGroup "maven.modrinth"
dependencies {
modRuntimeOnly "maven.modrinth:simple-voice-chat:quilt-${voicechat_version}"