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Your Plugin

Make sure you set up your workspace as shown in Getting Started!

As already shown in Getting Started, the main entrypoint for all mod loaders and plugin loaders (Fabric/Forge/Quilt/Bukkit/Spigot/Paper) is the VoicechatPlugin interface.

package com.example.yourmod;

import de.maxhenkel.voicechat.api.VoicechatPlugin;

public class TestPlugin implements VoicechatPlugin {

The only mandatory method you need to implement is getPluginId. Make sure your plugin ID is unique. Best practice is to use the mod ID/plugin ID of your mod/plugin.

public String getPluginId() {
    return "my_plugin";

Once your plugin is loaded by the voice chat, the initialize method of your plugin gets called. Here you get access to the VoicechatApi class.

public void initialize(VoicechatApi api) {

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