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Key Bindings

You can change every key binding in the Minecraft key binding settings.

NameDefault KeyDescription
Voice Chat GUIVOpens the voice chat GUI.
Voice Chat SettingsNot bound by defaultOpens the voice chat settings.
Group ChatsGOpens the group chat GUI.
Push To TalkNot bound by defaultThe push to talk key (Only when using activation type PTT).
You get to set this in the onboarding guide.
Mute MicrophoneMThe mute button (Only when using voice activation type Voice).
Disable Voice ChatNThis button disables the voice chat. Other people can't hear you and you can't hear them.
Hide Voice Chat IconsHThis button hides all icons related to the voice chat.
Toggle RecordingNot bound by defaultToggles voice chat audio recording.
WhisperNot bound by defaultHold down to whisper.

ModRepo Release 1d3f8f0