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MacOS Microphone Permission

MacOS requires any application that wants to use the microphone to show a permission dialog.

Since Minecraft itself doesn't need the microphone, we are not able to request access for it. However, some launchers add the ability to ask for microphone permission.

Supported Launchers


If you have issues installing or setting up any of these launchers, visit the Prism Launcher Discord server or the GDLauncher Discord server respectively for help.

Please don't ask them for help with the voice chat mod itself!


CurseForge Launcher

In order to get micrphone permissions on the CurseForge Launcher, you need to do the following steps:

  • Open the CurseForge Launcher
  • Go to Settings
  • Go to Game Specific -> Minecraft
  • Scroll down to Launcher Settings
  • Select Skip launcher with CurseForge

This skips opening the vanilla launcher when launching the game, which will allow the voice chat to ask for microphone permissions.

ModRepo Release 2d8c351